• Following the release of 654 children formerly associated with the Cobra Faction in Lekuangole, part of the Greater Pibor Administrative Area, the total number of released children is now 1,314. Released boys, and now three girls, continue to receive interim care, psychosocial support and family tracing services. Community-based monitoring systems are in place to provide family tracing and post-reunification support for around 200 children who have now returned home; as well as to identify, and help prevent, possible future re-recruitment.
• In 2015, as part of the Back to Learning Initiative, UNICEF and partners have provided 43,585 conflict-affected children (36 per cent girls) with Education in Emergencies. During the reporting period, Back to Learning was launched in Malakal, Wau Shilluk and Aweil, with social mobilization on-going throughout the country on the importance of education for all children. The Initiative is targeting to get 400,000 children across South Sudan back into learning programmes in 2015.
• In January and February 2015, 21,117 children were admitted to therapeutic feeding services for the treatment of severe acute malnutrition (SAM). These are the highest recorded SAM admissions in the last four years, which is mainly attributed to the UNICEF-WFP joint Nutrition Scale Up, especially the social mobilization in Northern Bahr el Ghazal as well as improved reporting by partners.