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South Sudan

Towards a conflict-sensitive HDP nexus in South Sudan : A collection of lessons


The humanitarian, development, and peace (HDP) nexus as an attempt to enable a more coherent and efficient collective response to dynamic and interconnected crises has received increasing prominence in South Sudan. While there are examples of how an HDP nexus can contribute to more effective aid in conflict-affected contexts, its application also carries conflict sensitivity risks. This analysis piece looks at what a conflict-sensitive HDP nexus might mean in the context of South Sudan. This is done by first elaborating on ‘nexus-type’ approaches in South Sudan’s aid history, the learnings of which can be useful for present discussions. Second, the analysis zooms in on three aspects that are perceived as crucial for a conflict-sensitive HDP nexus: rooting the HDP nexus in local understanding, strengthening the peace focus, and engaging meaningfully with communities. Based on these considerations, the paper suggests practical recommendations for aid actors in South Sudan.