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South Sudan

South Sudan - Unity State in Yirol East: IRNA Report of Flood Affected IDPs - October 2021


Yirol East County lies in the east of Lakes State. The county borders Panyijar County in the North, Rumbek East County in the North west, Yirol West County in the west, Awerial County in the south, Bor South County in the south east and Twic East County in the east. The county HQ is located in Nyang payam, which is connected to the nearby major market of Yirol town to the southwest in Yirol West County. Yirol Hospital in Yirol West County is the primary source of healthcare for most residents of both Yirol East and West, although is quite far from the majority-rural population. According to OCHA’s Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) for 2020, there are approximately over 120,000 people in need in Yirol East County, which represents 36% of the estimated population of the county reported in the HNO. WASH needs are prevalent, as only 12% of assessed settlements reported using latrines. The food security situation in Yirol East has deteriorated significantly over recent years. The arrival of large numbers of IDPs in Yirol East County, has increased pressure on an already vulnerable area, was identified as a key driver for the likely pockets of IPC Phase.

The IRNA mission to Yirol East was initiated after reports were received last month by the RRC in Rumbek of a high number of IDPs who had come from Panyijar county of Unity State. The reports indicated that hundres of households, women and children had crossed into Yirol East seeking assistance after the devastation of their villages in Panyijar County by severe floods.

Initial reports indicated that 395 household had arrived from Panyijar between August-September and more were still arriving in search of higher and dryer land and assistance in the form of shelter and food. The ICCG in Rumbek met on October 11th and it was decided by the members to organize a joint-agency assessment mission to Yirol East to determine the condition and needs