297,947 Number of refugees in South Sudan. 92% come from Sudan, 6% from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1% from Ethiopia, and 1% from the Central African Republic.
1.46 million Number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in South Sudan, 13% of which are staying inside six UNMISS Protection of Civilians sites.
228,160 Number of South Sudanese refugees who have returned in a self-organized manner (November 2017– 2019) 2.2 million remain in neighboring countries.
In this issue
UNHCR and partners continued to provide emergency assistance to 150,000 refugees and 50,000 host community members affected by flooding in Maban County, Upper Nile. (Page 3-4)
Refugees in camps and settlements across the country engaged in 16 Days of Activism Against GenderBased Violence beginning on 25 November. (Page 7)
43,730 refugees were reached with health education messages, such as Ebola and cholera prevention in November. (Page 9)
IDPs who humanitarians assisted to return home from displacement sites in Melut in May are thriving in Baliet County, Upper Nile, according to a periodic protection assessment UNHCR and partners conducted on 13-14 November. (Page 10)