15,600+ Refugees families received solar lantern in an effort to reduce cases of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)
4,000+ Refugees received mosquito nets in Unity
2,800+ Refugees received information on the available services for and various aspects of SGBV
Achievements and Impact
- UNHCR registered 64 (38 women, 26 men) newly arrived Sudanese refugees from South Kordofan, Sudan. This is a decrease of 62% compared to the same period in 2018.
- UNHCR relocated 61 Sudanese refugees to one of Jamjang’s refugee camps (19 - Ajuong Thok refugee camp, 42 – Pamir refugee camp). Of those, 50 were newly arrived refugees and 11 had previously settled in Yida. So far in 2019, 9,326 refugees have been relocated (7,621 - new arrivals, 1,705 – refugees previously settled in Yida). During the same period in 2018, 15,381 refugees were relocated (11,642 - new arrivals, 3,739 - Yida residual caseload).
- As of 31 July 2019, the total refugee population in Unity stood at 39,076 in Ajuong Thok refugee camp, 33,825 in Pamir refugee camp, and 46,203 in Yida refugee settlement.
- In the Jamjang refugee camps, UNHCR and partner International Rescue Committee (IRC) received 12 cases of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). All survivors were provided with psychosocial support, food, and non-food items.
- UNHCR and partner IRC team carried out home visits and disseminated information on the available SGBV services in Ajuong Thok and Pamir camps. A total of 38 homes (1,862 refugees total, 1,195 women and girls, 667 men and boys) were visited.
- In Ajuong Thok and Pamir refugee camps, 2,984 children (1,173 girls, 1,811 boys) participated in play and recreational activities in the child-friendly spaces.
- In the Jamjang refugee camps, UNHCR and partner Lutheran World Federation (LWF) provided material support to 67 children at risk (27 girls, 20 boys) based on their identified needs. Support provided included clothes, sandals, blankets and mosquito nets.
Upper Nile
- In Maban, UNHCR and the South Sudan Commission for Refugee Affairs (CRA) registered 36 newly arrived Sudanese refugees and 206 new-borns, and reactivated 30 refugees who missed the 2018 biometric verification exercise. In addition, UNHCR issued 64 identity cards to refugees aged 16 years and above.
- From 17-18 July 2019, UNHCR and partner Danish Refugee Council (DRC) trained community-based protection monitors from the four refugee camps in Maban (Doro, Gendrassa, Yusuf Batil and Kaya refugee camps) on protection tools and ways to prevent Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV). (pictured)
- Across all refugee camps in Maban, UNHCR and partner DRC conducted awareness raising and information dissemination on prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) reaching more than 1,000 refugees.
- In Maban, UNHCR and partenr DRC identified 46 (31 women, 15 men) persons with specific needs (PSNs). UNHCR and DRC are working closely to address their most pressing needs, which included shelter, and nonfood items (NFI) such as clothes, sleeping mats, mosquito nets, crutches, walking sticks and tricycles.
- UNHCR and partner Save the Children International (SCI) documented and verified 7 (5 girls, 2 boys) cases of separated children identified during the 2018/2019 UNHCR biometric exercise. UNHCR and SCI made caretaker arrangements and will continue to monitor their living conditions as part of their case management.