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South Sudan

South Sudan - Twic County, Warrap State: IDPs Assessment - 18 February 2022


Situation overview

Twic is one of the Counties of Warrap State. It is composed of six Payam namely, Akoc, Ajack Kuac, Aweng, Panyok, Turalei, and Wunrok Payams with its County administration located in Turalei Payam. Twic County is bordered to the North by Abiyei administrative area, to the East by Unity State (Abiemnom and Mayom Counties), and to the Southwest by Gogrial West and Southeast by Gogrial East. According to the Bureau of Statistics, the Total population of Twic is estimated at 354,3550. Twic County is inhabited by mainly the Dinka Twic (Mayardit communities), however, there are other communities that have settled here with different purposes, especially businesses establishments. The main livelihood of the population of Twic County is subsistence farming, animal rearing, and fishing with some people engaged in smallholder businesses.

The insecurity situation that has led to the IDP influx from Abyei and Aneet areas South Wards into Twic County was caused by clashes between the Local Authorities in Twic Community and Abyei communities. The cause of the incidence was attributed to the continued land demarcation that was being conducted by the Abyei Administration in Aneet area which is known to be part of Twic County. This prompted the Authorities in Twic County to intervene and request for the land demarcation to stop and have an inclusive committee formed which includes chiefs from the Twic Communities since the contested areas are within Twic County.

This however was not welcomed by the Abyei Administration who continued with the exercise. On the 9th of February 2022, the clashes broke out thereby affecting the livelihood of the communities who then had to disperse from the area. Those pro Abyei move Northwards into Abyei while those from Twic Moved Southwards to the Turalei, Wunrok, Aweng, Panyok and Akoc while others settled in Ajack Kuac Payams. The population movement has continued since 9 February 2022 to the time of assessment.

With populations fleeing for safety at the expense of their livelihood for which they have left behind.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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