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South Sudan + 6 more

South Sudan Situation: UNHCR Regional Update (16 - 31 May 2017)



South Sudanese arrivals in 2017, based on field reports as of 31 May

Total South Sudanese refugees as of 31 May 2017 (pre and post Dec 2013 caseload and new arrivals)

Refugees in South Sudan (31 May)

2 million
Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in South Sudan, including 230,482 people in UNMISS Protection of Civilians site


USD 883.5 M
Requested by UNHCR in 2017 for the South Sudan situation

USD 141.2 M
Received by UNHCR as of 30 May 2017
Funded 16%
Gap 84%

*The population and arrival figures are based on best available information at the time of production. UNHCR continues to verify the numbers in all countries and future updates may vary as new information becomes available. The arrivals into Uganda since July 1 are based on manual emergency registration or head-counts/wristbanding. Actual population to be confirmed upon biometric registration by the Government.


  • In South Sudan, armed clashes were reported in the vicinity of Doro Camp, in Maban, Upper Nile. Reportedly, twenty refugees were seriously wounded during the fighting and two refugees died. UNHCR, the Government and NGO partners, provided targeted support to those displaced by the conflict.

  • In Central African Republic, the rapid deterioration of the security situation in the southern and eastern areas of the country affected the supply of assistance to the South Sudanese refugees.

  • In Democratic Republic of the Congo, insecurity in the border region of Dungu Territory (Haut-Uele Province), has constrained the provision of assistance to the South Sudanese refugees.

  • In Ethiopia, the relocation of South Sudanese refugees from Pagak to the new Gure Shembola camp in Benishangul-Gumuz region is ongoing.

  • In Kenya, a cholera outbreak was declared in Kakuma on 22 May.

  • In Sudan, over 43,000 South Sudanese refugees arrived in Sudan in May (close to 1,400 per day), bringing the total number of new arrivals in 2017 to almost 152,000. Following the completion of biometric registration in El Leri and the verification exercise in Kalama, the total verified caseload of South Sudanese refugees since December 2013 is confirmed to be just under 400,000.

  • In Uganda, a total of 48,562 South Sudanese refugees arrived in May, representing a daily average of 1,567 new arrivals.