South Sudanese arrivals in 2017, based on field reports as of 15 Jan 2017
Total South Sudanese refugees as of 15 January 2017 (pre and post Dec 2013 caseload and new arrivals)
Refugees in South Sudan 1.853 M Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in South Sudan, including 204,370 people in UNMISS Protection of Civilians site
FUNDING (as of 27 Jan 2017)
USD 649.0 M
Requested by UNHCR in 2016 for the South Sudan situation
In South Sudan, UNHCR and partners Humanitarian Development Consortium (HDC), WFP and South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC), conducted a rapid need assessment in Maban to the areas hosting IDPs after the December unrest.
In Sudan, UNHCR completed the compilation of refugee arrival figures in 2016 from relevant partners at the start of January. Over 130,000 South Sudanese refugees arrived in Sudan in 2016, of a total of 297,468 refugees arriving in the country since the start of South Sudan’s conflict in December 2013.
In Uganda, community outreach and focus group discussions with women and girls in Bidibidi indicate that violence within families is often caused by a lack of secure shelter and the vulnerability of female-headed households following alcohol abuse, contributing to incidents of rape. Some 138 outreach and awareness raising activities were conducted in all zones of Bidibidi, reaching a total of 9,494 refugees, including 4,326 youth and adolescents.