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South Sudan

South Sudan Situation Report – 4 December 2017



4.8 million
People severely food insecure (IPC October to December 2017)

20 000
People facing famine conditions

4 million
People displaced by conflict

$70 million
Requested under FAO Emergency Livelihood Response Plan


  • Despite the recent main season harvests, almost 5 million people face severe food insecurity between October and December 2017, according to the results of the latest IPC analysis.

  • FAO has received USD 35.5 million of the USD 70 million requested for the Emergency Livelihood Response Programme, enabling the Organization to assist over 4.2 million people so far in 2017.

  • Livelihood support is lifesaving. FAO has assisted over 4.6 million people in 2017 through a combination of fisheries, crop and vegetable production support, enabling them to produce nutritious food for their own consumption and sale.