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South Sudan

South Sudan: Seasonal Flooding Update #6, As of 18 February 2020


Humanitarians have continued response activities in the flood-affected areas, providing the affected people with emergency assistance. By mid-February 2020, more than 975,000 people have been assisted with over 19,600 metric tons of emergency food supplies and US$4.8 million in cash assistance. In addition, about 1,000 metric tons of emergency flood response aid—emergency shelter and non-food items (NFI), and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health, protection and nutrition support—have been transported to prioritized flood-affected locations since November 2019. Response achievements include over 60,000 flood-affected households reached with vegetable seeds and/or fishing equipment; more than 59,000 households assisted with the Emergency Flood Rapid Response Kits; and some 41,000 families received minimum WASH packages. In Maban, Upper Nile, more than 25,000 refugee households and nearly 13,000 families from host-communities have received NFIs and 210 emergency shared latrines. Up to 17,000 flood-affected households in priority locations still need NFIs in early 2020, for which response is ongoing.

Logistical constraints and reduced supplies in-country are the main challenges in responding to vulnerable people’s needs. Additional resources are required to address short- and longer-term needs exacerbated by the floods. Flood response activities will continue until the end of February in some of the locations; in others, they have been integrated into the dry season humanitarian response.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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