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South Sudan + 5 more

South Sudan Regional Refugee Response Plan - 2022 Year End Report



By the end of 2022, South Sudanese were the fifth largest population of refugees, people in refugee-like situations, and other people in need of international protection

According to the Sustainable Development Goal indicator 10.7.4, which identifies the proportion of a country’s population who become refugees, South Sudan had 17,300 per 100,000 inhabitants who were refugees. Most of the 2.28 million South Sudanese refugees were hosted in the five countries in the Regional Response Plan: the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda. This population was 2 per cent less than the 2.33 million recorded at the end of 2021.

During the year, the prospects for mass voluntary, safe, and dignified returns to South Sudan were limited due to ongoing insecurity and humanitarian needs. South Sudan suffered violence in Unity, Upper Nile and parts of Jonglei states, communal tensions and other human rights violations and insecurity. The conflict displacement was further compounded by flooding and food insecurity resulting in new displacements in South Sudan and neighbouring countries. Only 151,300 South Sudanese refugees returned to their home country, bringing the accumulated total of returns since the revitalized agreement in October 2018 to 627,028. Despite this, refugees from South Sudan are the largest group of returnees globally. These were primarily from Uganda (50 per cent), Sudan (32 per cent) and Ethiopia (15 per cent).