To attend the food shortage in South Sudan, WFP is flying in food stocks to the camps. In four days of airdrops from Gambella, 235mt of cereals were delivered. UNHCR is airlifting relief supplies from Dubai directly to Juba for some 100,000 displaced people in Unity, Upper Nile and Jonglei states.
The U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s four-nation tour of Africa ended on 5 May. He held talks with the African Union and warned of a possible genocide in South Sudan if more peacekeepers are not rapidly deployed to end the conflict.
Following an inter-agency coordination meeting on 29-30 April in Nairobi - chaired by UNHCR’s Regional Refugee Coordinator for the South Sudan crisis, Ms. Ann Encontre - a regional contingency plan for refugee outflows from South Sudan is now being developed, which will form the basis of a regional appeal to be presented at the South Sudan donor pledging conference in Oslo on 19-20 May.
In Ethiopia, there was a sharp increase of refugees fleeing South Sudan, after the government forces captured the rebel stronghold of Nasir (Greater Upper Nile) and, during the weekend of 2-4 May, 20,000 new asylum seekers fled into Ethiopia from Nasir.