As the Protection Cluster and AoR our mission is to facilitate creating a protective environment where people in South Sudan are safeguarded, their rights respected, and solutions found in accordance with the international law. Our mission is to ensure a well-coordinated, effective, and principled protection preparedness and responses, and that protection is at the core of all humanitarian action and recognized as essential in any nexus with development and peace.
This strategy is a broader umbrella strategy, comprising of and informed by the work and the strategic directions of Child Protection, Gender Based Violence, Explosive Hazards and Housing, Land and Property. The strategy forms the basis of the cluster’s coordinated response to the complex protection crisis in South Sudan. It provides direction to the membership of the protection cluster and the wider humanitarian community and complements the strategies of the Areas of Responsibility.
The Protection cluster strategy is informed and guided by the Global Protection Cluster strategic Framework 2020-2024, the 2013 IASC Statement on the Centrality of Protection in Humanitarian Action, the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, IASC policy on Protection in Humanitarian Action and 2015 Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action.