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South Sudan

South Sudan Project Highlights: 2020 Emergency Livelihood Response Programme


Activitied Implimented

Distributed 4 392.1 tonnes of crop seed (951.5 tonnes of cowpea, 89 tonnes of groundnut, 1 660.5 tonnes of maize, 639.1 tonnes of sorghum Sesso 3 and 1 052 tonnes of sorghum Wad Ahmed) in total.

Provided approximately 13 kg of crop seed (cowpea, groundnut, maize, sesame and sorghum) per beneficiary to 338 212 households (2 029 272 people) across the main and second planting seasons. Distributed 5 178.2 kg of vegetable seed (881.8 kg of amaranth, 199.1 kg of carrot, 869.6 kg of collard, 666.5 kg of eggplant, 737.5 kg of okra, 607.8 kg of onion, 118.8 kg of pumpkin, 357.3 kg of tomato and 739.8 kg of watermelon) in total.

Distributed 395 536 fishing kits (791 072 boxes of hooks, 791 072 boxes of twine and 395 536 monofilament coils) in total. Distributed 387 197 agricultural tools (163 457 hoes, 140 747 malodas, 41 747 rakes and 41 246 spades) in total.

Distributed the above-mentioned seed, fishing kits and agricultural tools to 312 800 households in the main planting season, 25 412 households in the second planting season, 100 857 households in the dry season and 8 430 households through integrated rapid response mechanism missions.

Provided cash transfers, worth SSP 5 000 (USD 30.9) per beneficiary, to 25 000 households to access crop seeds and agricultural tools at local markets.

Distributed USD 800 000 through cash-for-work (CfW) activities to 4 000 households, resulting in the construction of 22 community infrastructures, including drainage channels, water points and feeder roads following community consultation and supervision. Provided 2 000 households with food-based nutrition support through nutrition vouchers, including small-scale livestock provision (three goats and five poultry per household), animal vaccinations against anthrax and haemorraghic septicaemia, nutrition gardens and trainings. Trained 32 455 beneficiaries (of whom 18 386 women) on subjects including crop and vegetable production, sustainable fisheries, nutrition, gender, village savings and loans associations principles, small animal keeping, basic animal husbandry, kitchen-gardening technologies, cooking demonstrations and stove and hay basket construction. Established 645 demonstration plots and 40 kitchen gardens.

Conducted stringent seed quality testing throughout procurement, delivery, prepositioning and distribution. Selected and trained implementing partners in Emergency Livelihood Response Programme interventions on managing Letters of Agreement, livelihood input distribution, technical sessions, accountability to affected populations (AAP) and gender mainstreaming.