Whilst national-level conflict has continued in certain areas of South Sudan, notably in the Equatoria Region, other parts of the country have faced rising instances of intercommunal and localized conflict, oftentimes related to livestock which are distinguished from conflict including national actors for the purposes of the DTM data collection exercise. However, the lines between livestock-related conflict, other forms of communal tensions and politically motivated violence are frequently blurred. Furthermore, the rainy season had been underway as of June 2016 causing not only further flood induced displacement but also hindering data collection efforts.
Data collection for Round 6 took place in June 2019 following round 5 for which data collection was conducted in March 2019. IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix implements mobility tracking throughout South Sudan in order to establish a baseline for the number of IDPs and returnees present in the country at the time of assessment. The baselines are designed to support government, humanitarian and development actors in their responses. As of Mobility Tracking round six, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) IDP baseline is consolidated with DTM findings. Moving forward, the two agencies will continue working together to maintain a unified baseline on IDP populations updated in regular intervals.
Mobility Tracking is implemented on a quarterly basis in order to keep track on South Sudan’s rapidly evolving displacement and return trends. Repeated instances of conflict and natural disasters have led to protracted as well as more recent displacement. Returnee and IDP figures are disaggregated by period of arrival and whether they have arrived from abroad or not. For IDPs, figures are available for those currently displaced having arrived in 2014-2015, 2016-2017, 2018 pre Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan or R-ARCSS henceforth (January – September 2018), 2018 post R-ARCSS (October – December 2018) and January – June 2019.