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South Sudan

South Sudan: Mobility Tracking Round 10: IDP and Returnee ATLAS as of December 2020 | Published: August 2021


Mobility Tracking supports the humanitarian response in South Sudan by providing a unified and comprehensive system to collect and disseminate data on the numbers, mobility history and needs of IDPs and returnees on a nationwide scale. Data collection takes place at a granular level and is repeated at regular intervals to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.

IOM DTM mapped a total of 1,710,966 (that includes 6% previously displaced abroad) and 1,734,329 returnees (that includes 34% from abroad) in 3,038 locations across South Sudan as of December 2020.

Data collection for round ten took place in November and December 2020 following round nine which took place in July and September 2020. DTM assessed 137 displacement sites and 2,901 villages/neighborhoods). Assessed locations were spread across 505 sub-areas (locally known as payams) at the third administrative level in every county (78) of all 10 states.