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South Sudan

South Sudan - Marial Lou-Tonj North: Sub-national Violence IDPs Assessment - 27 July 2021


Situation overview

Marial- Lou Payam is one of the nine administrative units in Tonj North County of Warrap state, it is bordering Tonj East County at North and Eastern parts, it is inhabited by Dinka Rek section which possess both livestock (Cattle, Goat & Sheep) and practice farming for livelihood. Marial Lou is close to Romic, Kacuat , Ngabagok and also boarders other Payams of Tonj North, like Akop, Rualbet and among others. According to 2008 census, the number of Marial -Lou Payam population is estimated at 11,000 individuals.

Tonj North since 2020 has been experiencing reoccurrence of sub-national inter-communal fighting among its own communities and from neighboring Tonj East’s Luacjang community and inter-state cattle raiding from Unity State. In July 2021, according to the Local authorities, a communal conflict on 8 to 9th July 2021 between the two communities of Lou Paher of Marial-Lou payam and Luanyjang community of Tonj East county was caused over allegedly two cows (Yar cow/white in color and Malith oxen/Grey in color) stolen by unknown people who drove the cows through Marial lou. The camp where the cows were stolen is close to Marial Lou at a cattle camp called Luangabyei located in Tonj East County. The armed youth of Luacjang from Tonj East on the 8 July 2021, followed the foot print of the cows up to Marial Lou that led to the attack and continued on the 9th July 2021. According to the IDPs, the fighting resulted in widespread looting, burning civilians’ properties and houses including destruction and looting of school’s materials and basic services such as water sources, Marial-Lou Hospital, Payam HQ and among others.

Following the report of the conflict and displacement, The State RRC requested OCHA to organize humanitarian partners to assess the situation on the ground in Marial Lou. The Inter-Agency fact finding mission to Marial Lou was endorsed by Kuajok ICCG, organized by OCHA at the request of State RRC in response to the inter-communal conflict. According to the State RRC office, 13 lives were lost, indiscriminate community property destroyed, humanitarian assets and supplies looted. The RRC further reported that a total of 853 households with 5,118 individuals were displaced from the 10 affected villages of Marial-Lou payam and 921 households with 5,526 individuals indirectly affected. From this background UNOCHA called the other humanitarian actors and therefore planned and coordinated an inter-agency Initial Rapid Needs Assessment(IRNA) in Marial Lou to assess the needs of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who fled their home due to the fighting to conduct integrated response. The assessment team comprised of UNOCHA, RRC, WFP, FAO, UNICEF, IOM, WVI, TADO, TOCH, Water for South-Sudan, SSGID conducted a round trip Assessment on the 27 July 2021. The team visited Marial Lou Center where the IDPs converged.

Marial Lou can be accessed through seasonal and secondary road, Warap- Akop- Marial Lou, Warap- Rualbet-Marial Lou finally through Tonj South Town- Ngabagok- Marial Lou but only during the dry season from January- May. Movement at this time of the year is limited to motor cycles or walking due to road conditions and flooding. On 14 to 15 July 2021 OCHA led inter-agency assessment team attempted travelling from Kuajok to Marial Lou but ended in Tonj Town and returned to Kuajok due to very bad road conditions that have been made worse by the current rains being experienced in the area. According to the IDPs, the situation on the ground in Marial – Lou is unpredictable, and unless the government deploy forces to provide security to the community, it may not be safe for them to return immediately. Armed youths, Cattle raiders and revenge killings remains a community security threat to the IDPs by the neighboring communities in Tonj East Couty.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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