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South Sudan

South Sudan - Lainya County: IRNA Inter-Cluster Rapid Assessment Mission - March 2021



In mid January 2021, the The Director of RRC CES shared information on the emerging situation relating to cattles invasion in Bungu, Ganji and Wonduruba Payams of Juba County and in Lainya County leading to displacement of the locals from Loka Round to Lokurubang and later, together with the host community to Lainya town. The local Authorities confirm that the cattle keepers begun arriving in November 2020. The displace are among the refugees from Uganda that has returned to Bungu, Ganj and Wonduruba Payams.

For the purposes of obtaiing the exact and clear information on this emerging humanitarian situation, State Intercluster Coordination Group (SICCG) approved for an Inter Cluster assessment mission to phycially verify and obtain data that can inform SICCG for better planning in responding to this humanitarian need. This was scheduled for Wedneday 24th February to Monday 1st March 2021 led by the UNOCHA Juba with 3 core objectives of:


 To identify and verify issues airisng from the presence of Cattles. in Bungu, Ganji, Mojje, Wonduruba,
Mankaro and Katigiri of Juba county as well as Lokurubang and Bereke of Lainya County.

 To assessed Humanitarian Needs and generate data in regards to protection, Health, WASH, Nutrition,
Shelter/NFI, FSL and educational Concerns for both IDPs and Host community in all the affected locations

 To establish the access routes and central points for humanitarian actions.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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