Major Epidemiological Developments
- Completeness for IDSR reporting at county level was 65% . Completeness for EWARS reporting from IDP sites was 86%.
- A total of 15 alerts were reported, of which 27% have been verified. 0 alerts were risk assessed and 0 required a response.
- Rift Valley Fever outbreak - Yirol East with 43 suspect human cases including 6 confirmed; 3 probable; 19 non-cases; and 15 pending classification. Nine confirmed animal cases (cattle).
- A new cluster of 8 suspect meningitis deaths reported from Yieth-Lieth, Kuach South payam, Gogrial West county on 29 Mar 2018. Rapid response team investigations identified malaria cases among the survivors but the epidemiological details on the deaths were consistent with epidemic meningitis.
- In Torit, suspect meningitis continued to decline with no new cases in week 14 and the weekly attack rate remaining below the alert threshold in weeks 11, 12, 13, & 14. At least 173 suspect cases (31 deaths) reported. PCR sample testing revealed no definitive etiological pathogen.