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South Sudan

South Sudan: Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) - Epidemiological Update, Week 46 (November 13 - 19, 2017)



  • Completeness for IDSR reporting is 59% at county level and 74% for the IDP sites.
  • Guinea worm was the most frequent alert with three alerts reported from Tonj East; Yirol East; and Yirol West.
  • A total of 39 new measles cases were reported from Panyijiar. Reactive vaccination has been completed.
  • Reactive oral cholera vaccine campaigns have been completed in Budi and select areas [New site and New Bongo] in Juba with active transmission.
  • Cholera flare up in New Bongo, Juba has been contained after an ORP was established; bucket chlorination initiated; and borehole was repaired.


Completeness for IDSR reporting at county level was 59%. Completeness for EWARS reporting from IDP sites was 74%.


A total of 13 alerts were reported, of which 23% have been verified. 0 alerts were risk assessed and 0 required a response.


A total of 28 new cholera cases and 1 death (CFR 3.4%) were reported. The cumulative total since the start of the current outbreak on 18 June 2016 is 21,550 cases and 442 deaths (CFR 2.0%).