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South Sudan

South Sudan: Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) - Epidemiological Update, Week 8 (February 22 - 28, 2016)



  • Completeness for weekly reporting was 44% for the non-conflict affected states and 46% for the IDP sites.

  • 42 new suspect measles cases reported from four states.

  • 12 cases including 10 deaths of an undiagnosed illness reported in Aweil North, Northern Bahr el Ghazal and verification is already underway.

  • ARI remains the top cause of morbidity in IDPs.

  • Malaria and perinatal deaths were the most common causes of mortality in nonconflict-affected areas and IDPs respectively.

Special focus on measles

  • Since week the beginning of 2016, measles outbreaks have been confirmed in Mangatain IDP, UN House PoC, Aweil West, Mayendit, Mayom, Leer, and Abyei (Table 4.1).

  • This week, 42 new suspect measles cases reported from Juba (4), Mayendit (6), Mayom (26), Wau (1), Abyei (1), Twic (2), and Leer (2) (Table 4.1).

  • Measles outbreak response is already underway in Mangatain IDP, UN House PoC, Abyei, Mayendit, and Leer.