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South Sudan

South Sudan: Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) - Annexes, Week 25 (June 19 - 25, 2017)



Access and Utilisation
Slide 2 Map 1 Map of consultations by county (2017)

Indicator-based surveillance
Slide 3 Figure 1 Proportional mortality
Slide 4 Figure 2 Proportional morbidity
Slide 5 Figure 3 Trend in consultations and key diseases

Disease trends and maps

Slide 6 Trend in malaria cases over time
Slide 7 Malaria maps and alert management

Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD)
Slide 8 Trend in AWD cases over time
Slide 9 AWD maps and alert management

Bloody diarrhoea
Slide 10 Trend in bloody diarrhoea cases over time
Slide 11 Bloody diarrhoea maps and alert management

Slide 12 Trend in measles cases over time
Slide 13 Measles maps and alert management