Ongoing fighting, seasonal floods and COVID-19 continued to drive humanitarian needs in the country. Localized violence persisted, leading to a high number of fatalities, forced displacement, sexual and gender-based violence, and other human rights abuses. Recurring fighting between different ethnic groups in Bor and Pibor areas of Jonglei State displaced more than 60,000 people and disrupted humanitarian services. In Western Equatoria, armed clashes between Sudanese traders and armed actors in Tambura town displaced more than 5,400 people. Fighting between armed groups and attacks on civilians in Morobo County, Central Equatoria, resulted in a number of casualties and displaced nearly 1,400 people. Violence and cattle raids were also reported in Rumbek East and Yirol East counties in Lakes; Koch and Panyijiar counties in Unity; and Tonj North County in Warrap. Heavy rains triggered floods in Panyijiar County, Unity, and Bor South County, Jonglei, affecting thousands. Assessment were ongoing to identify the number of people displaced by floods and immediate needs. By the end of June, 2,007 people were confirmed with COVID-19. Desert locusts were observed in Ikotos, Kapoeta East, Lafon, Magwi and Torit counties, Eastern Equatoria.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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