Approximately 6.35 million people – 54 per cent of the South Sudanese population – were severely food insecure in August, according to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification analysis for August 2019 to April 2020. Armed clashes were reported in Lainya, Central Equatoria; Torit, Eastern Equatoria; Maiwut, Upper Nile; and Tonj, Warrap, with civilian casualties, displacements and suspension of humanitarian activities. Cattle-raiding in Tonj South displaced thousands to Tonj North. An estimated 46,000 people were displaced in Maiwut (33,000) and Tonj South (13,000). During August, seasonal floods have affected more than 364,600 people in different locations including more than 31,600 people in Akobo, Pibor and Uror counties in Jonglei, about 29,000 people in Aweil Centre County in Northern Bahr el Ghazal, about 4,000 people in Mayendit County in Unity and some 300,000 people in Gogrial West, Gogrial East and Tonj North counties in Warrap. The heavy rains have destroyed shelters, crops, water sources, public infrastructure like schools and health facilities, increased the risk of water-borne diseases among communities, and rendered many roads impassable, constraining access to affected areas. Nearly 16,000 South Sudanese refugees returned, mainly from Sudan, in August, according to UNHCR. South Sudan’s IDP baseline was reset from 1.83 million individuals to 1.47 million after an 18-month-long exercise between OCHA and IOM to update and verify displacement data. The new baseline does not reflect the actual change in IDP numbers between July and August.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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