Between January and June 2023, almost 4 million women, girls, boys and men across South Sudan were reached with humanitarian assistance and protection services. This represents nearly 63 per cent of the 6.8 million people targeted through the 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). Of those, 2.2 million people reached were female and 1.8 million people were male. Response achievements during the first half of the year include more than 3.5 million people who received food assistance, livelihoods support and cash transfers; over 750,800 people reached with health care; approximately 397,300 people assisted with protection services; and some 720,900 people supported with access to safe water. Almost 690,700 children, and pregnant and breastfeeding women were provided with emergency nutritional assistance; and an estimated 411,000 people received essential household items and emergency shelter. More than 18,660 MT of humanitarian cargo and over 23,790 UNHAS passengers were transported. Some 734,400 people were reached through camp coordination and camp management services; and over 258,400 children were supported with access to education in emergencies. The achievements listed do not include people who were reached through the activities in the Emergency Response Plan for the Sudan crisis being implemented in line with the HRP. By the end of June, 232 humanitarian organizations contributed to the achievements presented in this dashboard. Of those, 62 per cent were South Sudanese non-governmental organizations (NGOs). At the time of publishing, the HRP has secured US$768 million or 45 per cent of the requested $1.7 billion to reach 6.8 million of the most vulnerable people, with the United States of America, European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), Germany and Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) being the top donors.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit