By the end of August 2019, humanitarian organizations had delivered assistance and protection to more than 4.4 million women, men and children, or 77 per cent of the people targeted in the 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). This represented an increase of about 200,000 people reached since July 2019. Of the 4.4 million, over half of the people reached – nearly 2.5 million – were in Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile. Humanitarian support reached 98 per cent of the people targeted in Jonglei, 96 per cent in Unity and 86 per cent in Upper Nile. Meanwhile, Western Equatoria and Western Bahr el Ghazal saw the lowest number of people reached, with some 60 per cent and 69 per cent of targeted population reached respectively. Response achievements included at least 3.7 million people reached with food assistance and livelihoods support; more than 1.3 million people provided with healthcare; over 1.1 million assisted with access to safe water and sanitation; over 1 million people supported with protection services, some 845,000 children and pregnant and breastfeeding women provided with emergency nutritional assistance; around 750,000 children supported with access to education in emergencies; more than 774,000 people reached through camp coordination and camp management services; and over 730,000 people assissted with essential household items and emergency shelter. By August, 160 humanitarian organizations contributed towards these achievements. Of those, 55 per cent were local NGOs. Funding for the HRP stood at 45 per cent as of 31 August with the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Germany being the top funders.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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