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South Sudan

South Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SSHF) Dashboard (3rd Quarter 2018)


US$51.4 million allocated to support priority activities

The South Sudan Humanitarian Fund has received US$77.5 million as of the 26 October 2018. The contributions include $19.6 million carried over from 2017, refunds ($2.5m) and $55.4 million deposited in 2018 from Sweden ($9.5m), Germany ($9.2m), Netherlands ($9.1m), UK ($8.5m), Belgium ($4.9m), Ireland ($4.8m), Norway ($4.6m), Australia ($2.6m), Switzerland ($1.0m), Canada ($0.6m) and Luxembourg ($0.4m). An additional $8.6 million is expected by the end of the year.

To date, SSHF has allocated $51.4 million in 2018 through the standard allocations to support priority humanitarian activities in alignment with the 2018 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). The funds were channeled through 86 partners, prioritizing national NGOs in line with the Grand Bargain localization agenda. At least 39.6 per cent of the allocations went to national NGOs, while 39.2 per cent and 21.2 per cent was received by international NGOs and UN agencies respectively.

The allocations supported nine clusters that were prioritized by the Inter-cluster Working Group. These include Health (17 per cent), Protection (17 per cent), Nutrition (16 per cent), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) (12 per cent), Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) (10 per cent), Education (10 per cent), Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items (ES & NFIs) (7 per cent), Logistics (6 per cent), and Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) (4 per cent).

The proportion of funding by geographical location reflects the severity of humanitarian needs, where people face the highest risk of destitution due to the actual or imminent absence of humanitarian services. The prioritization takes into consideration the needs analysis from the Inter-cluster Working Group and other critical information, such as food security. Jonglei (33 per cent), Unity (20 per cent), Upper Nile (17 per cent) and Eastern Equatoria (8 per cent) received the largest proportions of funding.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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