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South Sudan + 1 more

South Sudan Humanitarian Fund Annual Report 2019



This annual report presents information on the achievements of the South Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SSHF) during the 2019 calendar year. Because country-based pooled funds (CBPFs) are designed to support ongoing and evolving humanitarian responses, grant allocation, project implementation and reporting processes often take place over multiple years. The achievements of CBPFs are therefore reported in two distinct ways:

Information on allocations granted in 2019 (shown in blue). This method considers intended impact of the allocations rather than achieved results, as project implementation and reporting often continues into the subsequent year and results information is not immediately available at the time of publication of annual reports.

Results reported in 2019 attributed to allocations granted in 2019 and prior years (shown in orange). This method provides a more complete picture of achievements during a given calendar year, but also includes results from allocations that were granted in previous years. This information is extracted from final narrative reports approved between 1 February 2019 and 31 January 2020.

Figures for people targeted and reached may include double counting as individuals often receive aid from multiple clusters and/or sectors. Contributions are recorded based on the exchange rate when the cash was received, which may differ from the Certified Statement of Accounts that records contributions based on the exchange rate at the time of the pledge.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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