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South Sudan

South Sudan Humanitarian Fund 2016 - Annual Report


The South Sudan Humanitarian Fund allocated $81.3 million during 2016 to 211 top priority projects under the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), agreed on through rigorous collective prioritization.

The SSHF continued to be an important provider of timely funding to address the most urgent priorities within the HRP:

  • 84 per cent of funds ($67.9 million) were allocated through two standard allocation rounds, and 16 per cent ($13.4 million) through the reserve window.

  • 58 per cent of the funds ($47.1 million) supported front-line activities, 30 per cent ($24.5 million) the procurement and delivery of common core pipeline supplies, and 12 per cent ($9.7 million) the provision of common services.

  • 51 per cent of the funds ($41.3 million) went to UN agencies (including $34.2 million for core pipelines and common services), while 37 per cent went to international NGOs ($30 million) and 12 per cent to national NGOs ($10 million).

The SSHF fostered quality programming throughout the fund cycle, promoting gender mainstreaming, ensuring the centrality of protection, and strengthening accountability to affected people


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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