At least 200,000 people were forced to flee their homes due to the escalation of conflict in multiple locations in April 2017. By the end of the month, 3.8 million South Sudanese people had been displaced, including about 1.97 million inside South Sudan and 1.83 million seeking refuge in neighbouring countries. In Jonglei, renewed fighting amidst a government offensive displaced at least 100,000 people from several areas—including Waat and Walgak—to Akobo town, Kaikuiny, Wei-kol, and other remote locations. In Upper Nile, at least 25,000 people were displaced from Tonga, Kodok and surrounding areas following a government offensive on the West Bank. Most arrived in Aburoc, while thousands of others moved towards Sudan. In Eastern Equatoria, attacks against civilians in Pajok, Magwi County, forced at least 7,000 people to flee to Uganda. In Western Bahr El Ghazal, clashes outside Wau and security operations in Wau town caused at least 24,000 additional people to seek shelter in collective sites. The cholera outbreak continued to spread, with new cases confirmed in four counties in April: Ayod, Fashoda, Mayom and Yirol West.
In April, 90 humanitarian access incidents were reported. Humanitarian operations were severely impacted by an upswing in armed conflict, including government offensives in Jonglei and Upper Nile. More than 100 aid workers were forced to relocate as a result of active hostilities or escalating tensions, hampering the delivery of humanitarian assistance and protection to more than 180,000 people. This included delays in the delivery of food assistance in Koch, which is classified at risk of famine. April saw continued reports of violence against aid workers, including detention, threats, physical assault and killing. In Wau, three porters attempting to make their way to the WFP warehouse were killed during fighting on 10 April. Violence against humanitarian assets, compounds and civilian infrastructure was reported in multiple locations.
By the end of April, 3.0 million people had received assistance, out of 5.8 million targeted in 2017. The Humanitarian Response Plan was 27 per cent funded.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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