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South Sudan

South Sudan: Humanitarian Access Snapshot (November 2017)



November was the most dangerous month for humanitarian workers in South Sudan since December 2013, with nine killed, including six in Duk, Jonglei, one in Ikotos, Eastern Equatoria and two in Awerial, Lakes. A total of 103 humanitarian access incidents were reported in November, compared to 116 in October. Six security incidents forced the suspension of aid activities in different locations. During the month, local authorities in various locations continued to demand involvement in NGO staff recruitment and procurement processes.


Incidents of violence, some of which led to the death of aid workers, substantially disrupted aid operations forcing the suspension of response activities in multiple locations. Fighting forced the relocation of at least 47 aid workers in six incidents in Eastern Equatoria, Jonglei, and Unity. Two NGOs temporarily suspended food security, livelihoods and health response, following the violence in Duk County. Nearly 2.4 metric tons of food items were looted and a warehouse was vandalized by armed groups during the attack. In Iholong, Eastern Equatoria, agencies suspended multi-sectoral assistance following insecurity. In Bentiu (Unity), the Rubkona County government blocked access to the waste disposal site, which resulted in heightened health risks for more than112,100 IDPs in the Bentiu PoC site. In southern Unity, fighting forced the relocation of aid workers and the suspension of food and nutrition assistance to nearly 34,000 people. The announcement of new work permit rates could see nearly US$7 million, meant for people in need, diverted to fees.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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