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South Sudan

South Sudan: Humanitarian Access Snapshot (July 2022)



  • Recent armed clashes in Tonj North County forced humanitarian organizations to suspend activities in Rualbet.

  • Tensions in Mayom County in Unity State affected civilian population, and the supply routes between Juba and Bentiu.


There were 33 incidents related to humanitarian access constraints reported in July 2022. Twenty-three of these incidents involved violence or threats against humanitarian personnel and assets. More than half of the total number of incidents reported were assessed to have a significant impact on humanitarian operations.
Jonglei and Upper Nile states accounted for 45 percent of all reported incidents, with a notable increase of incidents against humanitarian assets in Jonglei in Pibor.
On 21 July at the Tonga Checkpoint, a convoy of WFP contracted barges from Bor was stopped by alleged members of Agwelek forces and denied the ability to proceed to Malakal. Purportedly, the armed group seized diesel fuel and engine oil from the barges and demanded an exorbitant sum of cash from the contractors. The barges were released on 25th July to proceed to Malakal. NGOs operating barges along the Nile River between Tonga Town and Atar Town experienced access denials.
On 21 and 22 July, an inter-agency mission with the RRC undertook a rapid needs assessment of people in Rualbet affected by the 25 June fighting. The mission observed heavy military presence in Rualbet and neighboring areas. Uniformed men had used the Primary Health Care Unit in Rualbet as a base, and following engagement with authorities, they vacated it. Heavily military presence continues in the area.
An Access Working Group team successfully negotiated unhindered and safe passage of humanitarian convoys and supplies to and from the Abyei Administrative Area during a seven-day mission. During the mission, the team engaged with community leaders and local authorities in Twic County in Warrap State. Just prior, the four-platoon force led by a general comprising national security, special forces, national police, and military police put in place by the national Government were in place to secure the access corridors for all those in the area.
The situation remains tense in Mayom County in Unity State with ongoing military operations. Civilians have been impacted and there are unverified reports of group need among the population. Supply routes between Juba and Bentiu were affected limiting humanitarian access to the areas.
Following the armed clashes in Kapoeta north, the Governor has communicated that he requires the local population to undertake reconciliation activities and peace building efforts before any assistance is provided.
Active hostilities, inter-communal violence, and bureaucratic impediments continued to constrain humanitarian organizations’ ability to deliver assistance, with notable interference in recruitment processes in Western Equatoria, Lakes, Upper Nile, and Jonglei states.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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