Malaria, ARI, TB, HIV/AIDS, and measles continue to be major causes of morbidity and mortality in IDP locations and surrounding host communities. In the general population medical complications from malnutrition, severe pneumonia, severe malaria and perinatal complications remain the most common causes of death in children under 5 years
Out of the seven sub-national health cluster coordinators required, only four were deployed. These are vital positions for a country with complex emergency across vast geographical locations, with multiple partners responding to provide essential health services to vulnerable populations
So far the Health Cluster funding for HRP 2017 remains at 16%. With the continued armed conflict and resultant displacement and diseases, the needs are increasing while the health response is limited
On 11 August 2017, the Health Cluster conducted training on proposal writing intended to improve the quality of project proposals from partners, for different funding mechanisms. 50 participants were drawn from 23 organizations. The one day training provided feedback on the SSHF second allocation proposals that were reviewed in July, and the scoring criteria that partners should be aware of. Also there were sessions on the HNO, HRP, logical frame work, project M&E and reporting