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South Sudan

South Sudan Health Cluster Bulletin #18, 01 May 2014



  • As of 30 April 2014, a total of 32,494 children were vaccinated with measles, polio and Vitamin A during the integrated vaccination campaign in Mingkaman. Data from other areas in the seven states will be compiled and shared in subsequent bulletins.

  • A total of 620 reproductive health kits have been distributed by UNFPA to various states since the beginning of the crisis.

  • Plans for the mass Oral Cholera Vaccination (OCV) campaign in Bor POC area have been finalized. The campaign will start on 7 th May 2014. In Bentiu micro planning for the same has started.

  • Some parts of South Sudan are still endemic of Guinea worm disease. Since the start of the year, six cases have been reported.