It was reported by RRC CES that from February -March 2022 conflict started between Cattle keepers from Jonglei State and farmers in Magwi EES which gradually reached CES in Lokiliri Payam in areas of Aru junction, Ngili and kubi are the most affected, displacing 631 HHs, (3786 individuals) who are mainly women, children and elderly to Gumbo area of Juba County in CES. The IDPs population have settle within host community in Gumbo, though majority of the IDPs during the day stay under the Mango trees and at the night they take sleep at Host community premises.
On the 21st of March 2022, CES Cluster Focal Points carried out a joint rapid need assessment in Gumbo, with the participation drown from CCCM, Protection Cluster, FSL, WASH, and South Sudan Red Cross.