The continuing conflict which began in December 2013 is having a devastating impact on the lives and livelihoods of millions of South Sudanese women, men, boys and girls. Conflict has displaced populations, reduced food production and disrupted livelihoods and markets, making South Sudan one of the most food-insecure countries in the world. Women and men of all ages are suffering from the effects of conflict, including abuses and loss of control over, and access to, vital resources.
In recognition that conflict can further aggravate existing vulnerabilities, exacerbate poverty and reinforce gender gaps, Oxfam conducted a gender analysis field study in May–June 2016 as part of the ECHO-ERC project ‘Institutionalizing Gender in Emergencies: Bridging Policy and Practice’.
This study was conceptualized on the basis of a gap analysis of previous work done on gender in South Sudan. Whereas other studies explored specific issues pertaining to gender in the country context, this study aims to audit and understand the overall perceptions of communities and aid workers on the performance of the humanitarian aid effort in gender mainstreaming in five different locations across the country. It highlights differential gender needs that are, or are not, being addressed, and the reasons for the perceptions that communities and aid workers have, as well as differential coping strategies and changing gender dynamics. It suggests, where possible, opportunities for improved and engendered programming by humanitarian donors, UN agencies, Cluster organizations, INGOs and NNGOs, as well as national and local authorities. It also aims to inform long-term modes of engendering programming needs in the protracted conflict.
The study was carried out in Wau State, Jonglei State and Juba State and attempted to cover a broad range of situations that people are living in across the country. The assessment targeted 490 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in these areas. In each location, the study team also conducted key informant interviews (KIIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs) among women, men, boys and girls and in some cases reached out to host community members. The selection criteria aimed to reach vulnerable communities and to achieve a gender and age balance among respondents.
The document is structured into four sections. Section 1 focuses on the overall severity of the crisis, and Section 2 explores vulnerable populations and gender-related impacts of the ongoing emergency. Section 3 identifies the change in gender dynamics and coping strategies, while Section 4 highlights the priorities and opportunities for gender-based programming.