The seasonal flooding continues to compound humanitarian needs in Panyijiar County, Unity state. In 2020, OCHA estimated 480,000 people were affected by floods in Unity state between July 2020 and December 2020 andin Panyijiar county 5,791 HH (Nyal 3,577 and Ganyliel 2,214) people were affected. The Coupled with the slow recession of the 2020 floodwaters, and the onset of the 2021 seasonal rainfall by July, the number of floods affected households in Panyijiar county increased spontaneously with an estimated 31,245 individuals (16,017 Female, 15,228 Male) 2 were affected as of August 2021 following the flood Inter-agency Rapid Needs Assessment (IRNA) conducted in the twelve worst-affected payams of Pachienjok, Yai, Ganyliel, Pachar, Katieth, Kol, Nyal, Pathiel, Mayom,
Tiap, Maluok, and Thornhom in Panyijiar county.
By August 2021 over 6,490 individuals (3,515 Female, 2,975 Male) were already displaced in Ganyliel Payam, Panyijiar County. The heavy rainfall of 17th -September-2021 increased the flood-displaced caseload with over 13,591 individuals displaced by flood in Ganyliel Payam, Panyijiar County on the 18th September, 2021. The flooding has destroyed livelihoods, shelters, markets, infrastructures/facilities and worsening the already precarious humanitarian situation in the community.
The food insecurity situation in Panyijiar county remains severe with the impact of COVID-19, persistent poor macroeconomic conditions, and the impact of flooding on livelihoods. Based on the IPC projections, the food insecurity situation in Panyijiar is classified as an emergency (IPC 4) with a very high likelihood of households sliding to the worst acute food insecurity phases if humanitarian food assistance is not provided on time.