Approximately 600,000 people have been affected by flooding in areas along the White Nile since July 2020, with Jonglei and Lakes being the worst affected states. The situation continues to worsen in several payams in the Panyijiar county and others. In view of the high number of people affected since July and more recent developments, on 25 September the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs & Disaster Management (MHADM) officially requested increased support from the South Sudan Red Cross (SSRC) to the newly affected areas. Therefore, the revision of the Emergency Appeal will extend the geographical scope of this operation to Jonglei, Lakes, Unity, Upper Nile, Central Equatoria & Western Equatoria states.
This revised Emergency Appeal seeks a total of 2.7 million Swiss francs (increased from 2.35 million Swiss francs), to enable the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to continue supporting the South Sudan Red Cross (SSRC) to deliver assistance to 117,730 people (increased from 96,000). The revised appeal targets six (6) newly affected states, as mentioned above, eight (8) counties (increased from six) and 14 locations in total. The new locations are: Awerial-Yirol Branch, Wulu-Rumbek Branch, Renk-Malakal Branch, GanyielBentiu Branch, Kapoeta-Torit Branch, Tonj South-Kuajok branch, Mundri-Mundri Branch and Old Fangak-Akobo Branch. The revised appeal also seeks to extend the timeframe by 6 months (total timeframe 18 months with a new end date 26 May 2021) with the same focus as in the initial appeal: Shelter and essential household items (HHIs), Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Disaster risk reduction (DRR), Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI) complemented by National Society strengthening activities.
With the extended timeframe and geographic scope, this revised Emergency Appeal has a 2 million Swiss franc funding gap and comes with a second DREF allocation of CHF 200,000. The revised budget has been increased due to the number of people affected by heavy rain since July 2020 in areas not covered by the initial appeal. The planned response reflects the current situation and information available at this time (see map below) of the evolving operation and will be adjusted based on further developments and more detailed assessments.