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South Sudan + 3 more

South Sudan: Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) preparedness - Population Mobility Mapping (PMM)



The aim of PMM in South Sudan is to inform the 2020 EVD National Preparedness Plan by providing partners with relevant information on population mobility and cross-border movements. More broadly, it aims to improve prevention, detection and response to the spread of infectious diseases through an improved understanding of prevailing human mobility patterns. The specific objectives of this exercise are:

  • Provide information on the dynamics and characteristics of mobility between DRC, particularly EVD-affected areas, other countries at risk of EVD transmission and South Sudan to help prevent and detect the potential spread of EVD to South Sudan

  • Identify priority locations in high risk areas, for the implementation of public health emergency preparedness measures.

In collaboration, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Migration Health teams rolled out PMM in South Sudan in 2 stages:

  1. Population Flow Monitoring (FM): As part of IOM’s EVD preparedness activities, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been operating 26 Flow Monitoring Points (FMP) on the borders with DRC, Uganda (UGA) and the Central African Republic (CAR). The findings presented in this report cover the period of 1 January to 31 October 2019

  2. Participatory Mapping Exercises (PME): IOM, in coordination with South Sudan's Ministry of Health, carried out two PMEs in South Sudan to complement FM results and inform preparedness activities. The participatory mapping approach involves collecting information from key informants through facilitated group discussions.


DTM South Sudan,