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South Sudan

South Sudan: Early Warning and Disease Surveillance Bulletin (IDP Camps and Settlements) Week 13 (23 - 29 March 2015)


General Overview

  • Completeness for weekly reporting in week 13 of 2015 was 98% compared to 67% for the corresponding week of 2014.
  • ARI, malaria, AWD, ABD and suspect measles are the top causes of morbidity among IDPs.
  • During week 13 of 2015, ARI was the top cause of morbidity among IDPs and registered a proportionate morbidity of 16% and incidence of 62 cases per 10,000 population.
  • Fifty six new suspect measles cases were reported from Bentiu (55 cases) and Lankien (1 case). A sharp increase in measles cases has been registered in Bentiu in week 13. This follows the confirmation of a measles outbreak in week 12. A response to the measles outbreak in Bentiu is already underway.
  • In week 13, four new HEV cases were reported from Bentiu hence the cumulative is 46 cases without any deaths in Bentiu and 140 cases including six deaths (CFR 4.3%) in Mingkaman.
  • The under-5 and crude mortality rates by IDP site were below the emergency threshold in week 13