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South Sudan

South Sudan: Early Warning and Disease Surveillance Bulletin (IDP Camps and Settlements) Week 12 (16 - 22 March 2015)


General Overview

  • Completeness for weekly reporting in week 12 of 2015 was 96% compared to 81% for the corresponding week of 2014.

  • ARI, malaria, AWD, ABD and suspect measles are the top causes of morbidity among IDPs.

  • During week 12 of 2015, ARI was the top cause of morbidity among IDPs and registereda proportionate morbidity of 16% and incidence of 66 cases per 10,000 population.

  • Sixteen new suspect measles cases were reported from Bentiu (14 cases), Melut (1 case), and Lankien (1 case). Two out of five samples from Bentiu PoC tested positive for measles. This therefore constitutes a measles outbreak in Bentiu PoC.

  • In week 12, two new HEV cases were reported from Bentiu hence the cumulative for HEV is 42 cases without any deaths in Bentiu and 140 cases including six deaths (CFR 4.3%) in Mingkaman.

  • No new cholera case has been reported in Nakoringole, Ikotos County, Eastern Equatoria State in week 12. The cumulative remains 43 cholera cases including three deaths. The Case Fatality Rate (CFR) is 7%.

  • The under-5 and crude mortality rates by IDP site were below the emergency threshold in week 12of 2015.