Renk Town is located in Renk County, Upper Nile State, near South Sudan’s border with Sudan. Since independance in 2011, Renk has become a major destination and transit point for returnees from Sudan and, since the beginning of the current conflict in 2013, for internally displaced persons (IDPs) fleeing conflict in Upper Nile State.
This factsheet provides results from the REACH road monitoring exercise in Renk Town, Renk County. REACH monitors three entry and exit points in Renk to record the arrivals and departures of South Sudanese returnee and IDP households (HHs) on a daily basis. Daily data is synthesized into a monthly factsheet to provide an overview of wider movement trends, including push/pull factors and intentions.
The following findings are based on primary data collected between 1 and 12 November 2017, during which 55 departing HHs (203 individuals) and 36 arriving HHs (159 individuals) were recorded.1 Enumerators interviewed respondents who were arriving in and departing from Sukjima bus station. Respondents were selected based on presurvey questions on motives of travel to ensure that only displaced people or returnees were interviewed.
Not all entry points to Renk town were covered systematically, and most arrivals reportedly took place after data collection hours (9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m). Moreover, people using formal transportation (bus) are overrepresented as opposed to people using other means of transportation (trucks, boats) and most formal transportation is mostly going to and from Sudan. As such, the data presented in this factsheet is not representative, rather indicative of movement trends for the assessed population.