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South Sudan

South Sudan Displacement Crisis - Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL), Assessment of Hard-to-Reach Areas in South Sudan, September 2018



The continuation of conflict since December 2013 has created a complex humanitarian crisis in the country, restricting humanitarian access and hindering the flow of information required by aid partners to deliver humanitarian assistance to populations in need. To address information gaps facing the humanitarian response in South Sudan,
REACH employs its Area of Knowledge (AoK) methodology to collect relevant information in hardto-reach areas to inform humanitarian planning and interventions outside formal settlement sites.

Using the AoK methodology, REACH remotely monitors needs and access to services in the Greater Upper Nile, Greater Equatoria and Greater Bahr el Ghazal regions. AoK data is collected monthly and through multi-sector interviews with the following typology of Key Informants (KIs):

• KIs who are newly arrived internally displaced persons (IDPs) who have left a hard-to-reach settlement in the last month

• KIs who have had contact with someone living or have been in a hard-to-reach settlement in the last month (traders, migrants, family members, etc.)

• KIs who are remaining in hard-to-reach settlements, contacted through phone Selected KIs are purposively sampled and have knowledge from within the last month about a specific settlement in South Sudan, with data collected at the settlement level. About half of settlements assessed have more than one KI reporting on the settlement.
In these cases, data presented at the settlement level is the modal (most frequent) response for KIs reporting on that settlement. If there is an even number of ‘yes/no’ responses, data is aggregated as ‘no consensus’.

All percentages presented in this factsheet, unless otherwise specified, represent the proportion of settlements assessed with that specific response.