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South Sudan + 3 more

South Sudan - Crisis Fact Sheet #3, Fiscal Year (FY) 2020



  • 2020 HRP for South Sudan requests $1.5 billion to provide life-saving assistance
  • Insecurity leads to indefinite closure of three EVD screening sites
  • USAID partners begin pre-positioning emergency supplies for lean season


  • Relief actors, including USAID partners, continue to respond to humanitarian needs generated by severe flooding across parts of South Sudan that occurred between July and November. Receding floodwaters and repairs to flood-damaged infrastructure have improved humanitarian access in some areas, USAID/FFP partner the UN World Food Program (WFP) reports; however, humanitarian actors now face a shortened window for pre-positioning emergency relief supplies before the April-to-June rainy season.
  • The August IPC analysis projected that 5.5 million people would face Crisis—IPC 3—or worse levels of acute food insecurity between January and April 2020; relief actors now expect this number to be higher due to the impact of flooding. The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) warns that there is a risk of Famine—IPC 5— in parts of South Sudan in 2020.