12.4 MILLION Estimated Population of South Sudan OCHA – March 2022
8.9 MILLION Estimated Number of People in Need of Humanitarian Assistance OCHA – March 2022
7 TO 8 MILLION Estimated Number of People to Face Acute Food Insecurity During Lean Season FEWS NET – April 2022
2 MILLION Estimated Number of IDPs in South Sudan OCHA– April 2022
2.4 MILLION South Sudanese Refugees in Neighboring Countries UNHCR – April 2022
The UN 2022 HRP for South Sudan requests $1.7 billion to provide 6.8 million of South Sudan’s most vulnerable people with emergency assistance.
Between 7 and 8 million people are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of acute food insecurity during the April-toJuly lean season, according to FEWS NET and the IPC.
Violence in Unity State’s Leer County displaced approximately 44,000 people during April and prompted several humanitarian organizations to suspend lifesaving relief activities in the area.