Description of the disaster
The internal conflict that started in the capital city of Juba in South Sudan on 15 December 2013 rapidly spread to other parts of the country. The conflict has created long term humanitarian consequences for the affected population, including large displacement in the country and into neighbouring countries (Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya). Despite ongoing negotiations and a recent commitment to peace, the situation remains tense and unpredictable, in particular in the Jonglei,
Unity, and Upper Nile states. According to OCHA as of 8 January 2015 approximately 1.5 million men, women and children remain displaced. 1.1 million people were reported to be displaced within the country and over 434,000 people have fled to neighbouring countries.
The cholera outbreak declared by the Ministry of Health on 15 May, 2014 resulted in a reported 6,141 cases and 139 deaths. Due to a large and concerted national and international operation, the epidemic has been declared over with only two new cases reported in October 2014 (WHO).
Despite operational challenges and huge demands the South Sudan Red Cross (SSRC) supported by partners and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), continues to be active through its ten branches across the country.
Summary of the response
In the 12 months since the launch of the operation South Sudan Red Cross (SSRC) has responded to the needs of the population affected by the conflict, inter communal violence and cholera. Volunteers and staff supported by partners, have been active providing water, relief distributions, first aid and emergency health care and health messaging to affected populations.
A total of 26,622 households in Western, Eastern and Central Equatoria, Jonglei and Lakes states have benefitted from these activities. Up to 10 staff and 455 volunteers have received training in disaster management, healthcare, psychosocial support, water and sanitation, beneficiary communication, security, first aid, monitoring and evaluation and financial management.
After the Ministry of Health formally declared a cholera outbreak in South Sudan in May, 2014, a cholera taskforce led by SSRC and supported by Movement partners was established to support SSRC planning and responding to the cholera outbreak. During this response SSRC was also supported by a Water and Sanitation Regional Disaster Response Team (RDRT), IFRC Field Assessment and Coordination Team (FACT) an M40 Water and Sanitation Emergency Response Unit (ERU) and a Community Health Module ERU (CHM) .
With the cholera outbreak under control in October 2014,cholera activities were subsequently scaled back. The ERU activities in Torit, Eastern Equatoria ceased after a 4 month operation. Demobilisation training and handover of hardware to SSRC occurred shortly after. Water distribution in the Tongping protection settlement in Juba also ceased due to its closure in December.
Bilateral in country partners Austrian Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross, Danish Red Cross, Netherlands Red Cross, Norwegian Red Cross, Swedish Red Cross, and Swiss Red Cross, have made valuable contributions to the joint SSRC cholera plan of action and response to the conflict.
The major donors and partners of this appeal include: Austrian Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross and Canadian Government, China Red Cross(Hong Kong branch), Finnish Red Cross and Finnish Government, Japanese Red Cross,Norwegian Red Cross and Norwegian Government, Red Cross of Monaco, Swedish Red Cross, Swiss Red Cross,Taiwan Red Cross organisation, Netherlands Red Cross (Silent Emergency Fund) and UNDP.