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South Sudan

South Sudan: Christian Mission for Development 2017 Annual Report


Under the Education program, CMD in FY 2017 ran three education projects – (January – December 2017). CMD and the related partners successfully performed these projects.

In the first education project in 2017, CMD with partners initiated the ‘School Feeding Program’ (SFP), an initiative purposed to improve nutritional intake of school children while also enabling out of school children to enroll into learning. The project targeted 3,540 beneficiaries in Ulang County and 12,000 beneficiaries in Ayod County. CMD was the direct implementer of the projects addressing the educational needs of children and youths affected by conflict, disease outbreak, malnutrition, and breakdown of livelihoods; 6,642 children (4,749 boys and 1,893 girls) were reached in 5 schools targeted, 3,102 more learners enrolled into learning, an 88% rise in population of those supported through learning in Ayod and Ulang Counties.

In the second education project, CMD with partners set out to enroll Children and school aged youths retained into safe, secure and appropriate learning spaces established in Ayod county - Jonglei state and Ulang County - Upper Nile State, with a set annual target of 43,142 beneficiaries from both Ayod County and Ulang County.

While promoting and implementing the projects, a number of activities were conducted and performed during the FY 2017, including creation of community awareness and raising back to school campaigns. CMD managed to mobilize and enrolls more than 100% of the target in the different Payams.

CMD was able to reach a total 53,554 beneficiaries, who were enrolled and retained in safe, secure learning spaces established in both counties by the end of the financial year 2017.

Under the Food Security and Livelihood (FSL) program, CMD partnered with FAO to provide inputs and services for the distribution of crops, seeds, fishing kits and vegetable kits with a target of supporting 9,781 beneficiaries (HHs) in Ayod county, Jonglei state.

The distribution of food security and livelihoods kits was done under FSL in collaboration with the local authorities and community elders in the county by registering the vulnerable house hold beneficiaries; female, elderly and child headed households. CMD was able to reach to 9,223 beneficiaries in Ayod county by the end of the project.

CMD ran the ‘Provision of emergency primary healthcare services to internally displaced persons and vulnerable host communities in Ulang County – Upper Nile State’ project under the Health and Nutrition program.

The main objective of the project was to reduce the mortality rate of populations in Ulang County by providing much needed health care services including referrals and to equip the community to withstand health related challenges by improving access to essential health care for conflict affected and vulnerable populations through prevention, detection and response to disease outbreaks. The project further aimed at promoting dignity of beneficiaries and improvement in PSS for vulnerable populations.

The project ran for 6 months, April - September 2017, targeting a total of 3,000 persons (1,200 women, 800 men, 400 boys and 600 girls) Through this project, 7,260 persons had access to essential health care. This was against a target of 3,000 people, an over achievement of over 230%.

CMD had 3 Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) projects and 1 Rapid Response project in 2017. In the 4 WASH projects, CMD intensified response in Ayod, Nyirol, Ulang, Twic East and Kapoeta South counties, through emergency WASH and NFIs provision to conflict affected IDPs and vulnerable host communities.

In as much as the 4 WASH projects targeted 90,500 beneficiaries, CMD reached a total of 93,787 beneficiaries who got access to safe, clean and adequated water supply points. CMD also distributed water Purification tablets/PUR communities who had to walk more than 45 minutes to access water points. The 10 message Hygiene promotion campaign was adopted to sensitize the community on the importance of hygiene and sanitation. All the projects were a success.