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South Sudan + 4 more

South Sudan: CERF allocations overview As of 10 June 2015


Almost 4.1 million people are in need of immediate humanitarian assistance in South Sudan. More than 1.5 million people are internally displaced (many of them multiple times) and some 546,000 South Sudanese have sought refuge in neighbouring countries.

Since the beginning of the crisis in December 2013, CERF has supported the humanitarian operation in South Sudan with US$53.7 million. Some $15 million was allocated in January 2014, immediately after the violence started. In April ($15 million) and December ($20 million) of that year additional allocations went to urgent nutrition programmes, medical care, transport of humanitarian supplies and personnel, and improving conditions in camps for displaced people. Another $3.5 million was allocated in June to help humanitarian partners respond to a cholera outbreak. In May of 2015, after fighting flared in Unity and Upper Nile states, the Emergency Relief Coordinator allocated $5.6 million to support additional 40,000 displaced people in Ajuong Thok camp.

CERF also provided critical funding to address the needs of South Sudanese refugees and host communities in Uganda ($11.9 million), Sudan ($15.3 million), Ethiopia ($21 million) and Kenya ($13.6 million).


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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