Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 — a service provided by UN OCHA

South Sudan

South Sudan: Analysis of Monthly Inter-Agency Monitoring Data for COVID-19 RCCE Activities in Maban County (Saturday 01 August 2020 – Monday 31 August 2020)


Background: All humanitarian partners in South Sudan involved in COVID-19 risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) interventions are required to submit their monitoring and evaluation (M&E) data to the national RCCE working group on a weekly basis. In Maban, humanitarian partners submit their data to the Maban RCCE working group, which consolidates the information and sends it to the national RCCE working group on a weekly basis.
Partners use a harmonized M&E tool that was developed by the national RCCE working group.
This report outlines RCCE data that was collected in Maban County over the month of August.

Acknowledging partners who submitted RCCE data in August: 1) Humanitarian Development Consortium (HDC), 2) Relief International (RI), 3) Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), 4) Médecins San Frontières (MSF), 5) Save the Children International (SCI), 6) Danish Refugee Council (DRC), 7) Lutheran World Federation (LWF), 8) Samaritan’s Purse (SP)