Ongoing conflict in Jonglei continued to negatively affect humanitarian needs in the second quarter of 2018. The onset of the peak lean season saw deteriorating food security conditions in many locations across the state.
Clashes between armed actors and pervasive insecurity, particularly in the Greater Akobo area caused displacement among affected communities, negatively impacting the ability of populations to meet their primary needs.
REACH has been assessing the situation in hard-to-reach areas in South Sudan since December 2015, to inform the response of humanitarian actors working outside of formal settlement sites. This settlement data is collected across South Sudan on a monthly basis. Between 4 April and 22 June, REACH interviewed 1,473 Key Informants (KIs) with knowledge of humanitarian needs in 649 settlements in 8 of the 11 counties in Jonglei State.
In order to ensure an understanding of current displacement trends and humanitarian conditions in settlements from which displacement took place, new arrivals in data collection sites, representing 36% of KIs, were specifically targeted. The remainder of the KIs interviewed (64%) reported having been in the settlement or having had regular contact with someone from the settlement within the last month. For more information, please see the methodology section in this Situation